How are child support orders enforced in Florida?

Child support can sometimes be a contentious issue between divorced or separated parents. Parents receiving child support may wonder how they enforce a child support order in Florida and parents paying child support may wonder what they can do if they cannot afford...

Criminal defense basics

Knowing criminal defense basics is important for every accused individual because criminal defense rights may be all that stands between the accused individual and a potential loss of their freedom. Developing a strong criminal defense strategy to combat the charges...

Spousal support basics in Florida

Spousal support can be a difficult issue to address during divorce as one spouse is usually seeking it and the other spouse may not want to pay it. Understanding how spousal support is awarded in Florida can help spouses on both sides prepare for the spousal support...

3 factors the courts use to make custody decisions

The main question going through your head as your marriage ends is probably, "Who is going to get custody?" This concern may wrack your brain and drive you crazy. The possibility of your soon-to-be-ex getting sole custody may make you feel sad and angry. While it is...

Understanding modification resources following divorce

Few things remain the same following a divorce as children grow and life moves on. Because of that reality, it is important to be familiar with the family law resources available to help with modifications related to a divorce as circumstances change and the need...

What is probate?

Estate planning is a critical part of ensuring not only one's own financial well-being, but also those of his or her beneficiaries. Often associated with estate planning, the term "probate" often carries negative connotations. This may be caused by its portrayal in...