How a criminal defense can address drug charges

A criminal defense for drug charges is important because drug charges can, unfortunately, be both common and serious. Drug charges oftentimes lead to long prison sentences in Florida which is why preparing a criminal defense to drug charges is essential for accused...

What is required for a will to be valid in Florida?

One of the most important parts of an estate plan is a will which directs the distribution of the estate planner's assets to the beneficiaries they select and according to their direction. There are many considerations to take into account when estate planning...

3 tips for co-parenting with a high-conflict ex

You may think that after the divorce is final, things in your life will start to settle down. You and your kids have to fall into a new routine, and making it as seamless as possible for their benefit is your primary concern. A large part of how smoothly this goes is...

Child custody basics in Florida

Knowing how to develop and enforce a child custody order in Florida is important. Because child custody can sometimes be a tough subject, it is helpful for parents to be familiar with the resources available through the Florida family law system to help them with the...

Help with post-divorce modifications

Divorce-related modifications are essential for many divorced couples and families as things change following a divorce. Divorce modifications can help when changes need to be made to a child support order, child custody order or a spousal support order. Resolving all...