Getting an estate plan going and set up is a must

This blog recently addressed the importance of updating an estate plan but, of course, of at least equal importance, is setting up an estate plan. One of the most basic and foundational components of an estate plan is a will and drafting a will is important but there...

Knowing when to update an estate plan is important

Updating an estate plan is equally important to developing a well thought out and effective estate plan. Just as estate planning should take into account different aspects of the estate planner's life, it is also important to take into account any changes in the...

3 mistakes to avoid during child custody negotiations

Child custody is likely one of your core concerns during your Florida divorce. You probably want as much custody of your children as you can get. The negotiation process, which is often fraught with emotional arguments and legal complexities, can be hard to navigate....

What will I be required to pay in alimony to my former spouse?

Spousal support, or alimony, can be ordered to be paid by one former spouse by the other which can be a tense and challenging issue during a divorce. As a result, it can be helpful for divorcing spouses to be familiar with alimony and spousal support laws in Florida...